Letter: Panto politics

On Wednesday, Honest John Swinney was taken to task for misleading Parliament. Apologies were much in demand.

Tavish Scott gave a particularly fine display of outraged sensitivities (there was much of that on display). His arms swept up and out in the best tradition of amateur dramatics - one might have expected the performance to reach a final flourish with the back of hand across fevered brow, then a slow sinking into a staged dead faint.

While this political pantomime was unfolding, students were gathered outside the Lib Dems' Edinburgh headquarters to peacefully protest at his party's duplicity over fees - a policy abandoned with alacrity for a seat in government.

Some of us might have thought it more noble of Mr Scott had he taken himself along to Haymarket and faced up to those his party has so let down.

Archie Davidson

Caroline Terrace
