Murrayfield booing has risen over years

If Mary Kelly (Letters, 17 March) has been attending rugby internationals for 60 years, she could be an even older granny than I am!

As such, she should certainly know that trying to excuse bad behaviour by saying the other guy does it as well is no defence at all.

The point I was trying to make (Letters, 16 March) about the Calcutta Cup was that few could deny that the level of abuse from the Scottish crowd has increased with the years to an unacceptable level, and I wondered what was the reason for this.

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I wasn't seeking to defend the English fans although I find their riposte at Twickenham to be more circumspect.

Nevertheless, I am saddened to see the proliferation of the St George Cross down there where the Union flag used to hang proudly.

Another thing that the wisest grannies know is that you should never take a good thing for granted, for once you have destroyed something precious you can never have it back again. We should all be very careful what we wish for.


York Road


I agree with your correspondents (Letters, 17 March) regarding booing and rude behaviour at Murrayfield when opponents take kicks. It has, of course, nothing to do with the "populist, pompous and pathetic nationalist government" (Letters, 16 March). Cringe is alive and well in Auld Scotia.


Con Wynd
